China Southern Power Gird (CSG) and the OpenAtom Foundation jointly announced the launch of Power HarmonyOS, the country's first internet of things (IoT) operating system in the electric power sector, in Beijing on Oct 31.
The electric power operating system is compatible with various types and brands of electric facilities. It enables plug-and-play (PnP) for electric equipment and major data linkage, laying a solid foundation for broader access, operation and maintenance of large-scale IoT products in the new electric power system.
The operating system is open source, attracting participation from over 100 enterprises, including leading Chinese manufacturers of chips, modules and terminal products.
The Power HarmonyOS is designed to create a secure, open-source and inter-operational platform compatible with various IoT operating systems and application scenarios.
It has been integrated with numerous near-field equipment detection technologies, such as near-field communication (NFC), bluetooth low energy (BLE) and long-range radio (LoRa), which are expected to be applied in power production, transmission, substation, distribution and utilization processes.
Additionally, the Power HarmonyOS can automatically discover, connect and conduct authentication of reachable electric products, provide electric goods of different manufacturers with standard accesses.
The electric power operating system has also been equipped with performance-enhancement components, establishing a unified framework for smart electric products in their interconnected and integrated utilization.
For instance, the connection of electricity produced by renewable energy to the power grid is achieved through the analysis and processing of a large amount of data. Unified communications deals allow the interactions between vast volume of data, strengthen capacity building in data processing, and guarantee a high-level dynamic equilibrium between power generation and consumption.
So far, the Power HarmonyOS has played a vital role in the building of a digital power grid network and is applicable to all power transmission lines and substations.